Hart & Hound
FaceBook Help
Adding a new post to FB
Adding Google map coordinates to facebook post
Adding Google map coordinates to facebook post
- In Google search for the location eg a farmers market.
- Usually on the right of the search results is the entry you are looking for together with a small map
- click in the map
- this will open a full page map, with some information on the left-hand side.
- Under the picture there are several tabs. The last one is "Share".
- Click on this. It will pop up a new window, in the middle of which it states
Link to share, followed by a link. to the right of this is a button [Copy Link]
- do so and "paste" the link in your post.
Adding new post to FB
- Login to FB
- Select the account you want to add to.
- On the Top menu bar: Click [Page]
- Below the profile photo is a menu bar with [Liked] [Following] [Share] [...]
- Below that is [Create Post] [Live][Event][Offer][Job]
- This opens a new window. Where it states "Write a post", start writing.
- When finished, a bit down is [News Feed], below that is [Share Now] With a dropdown box.
- Select either [Now], [Schedule] or [Save Draft]
- I suggest saving as draft, so you can evaluate the way it will look when published.
How to Check, edit of publish Scheduled Posts or drafts:
- On the Top menu bar, click [Publishing To ...] (actually stands for tools)
- This will open a new page with all the Pubished posts.
- On the left-hand side in the menu select either the Scheduled or Draft Posts.
- Assuming a Scheduled Post:
- This will list all scheuled posts, with the date and time of scheduled publishing.
- Clicking on the post will show you more of the post as it will appear to the viewer, including the "see more..." where appropriate.
- On the top right-hand side of this window are the 3 dots (...)
- Clicking this will show the complete post as it will appear.
- On the top right-hand side of this window, again the 3 dots.
- Clicking on this will allow you to:
- Delete
- view the edit history (ie who has made what changes when)
- Or ... edit the post
- When finished editing click [done editing]
- However, this does not let you change the pubishing date and time.
How to change the publishing date and time?
- Go back to the main page.
- On the Top menu bar, click [Publishing Tools.]
- This will open a new page with all the Pubished posts.
- Select [Scheduled Posts]
- Find (but don't click) the post you want to publish.
- On the right-hand side is the scheduled date and time. Click this.
- It will open a new window.
- On the right-hand bottom is a drop-down box [Edit]. Click and select [Pubish][Remove Schedule][Reschedule][Backdate] or [Delete].
- Follow the bouncing ball from here.
OroCRM (customer database extension for Magento)
Link to webninja
Reckon one (not hosted) startup guide PDF (new window)